
dimanche 10 mars 2013

Telecharger Surgeon Simulator 2013 Gratuit

Telecharger Surgeon Simulator 2013 Gratuit

Surgeon Simulator 2013 est un jeu gratuit destiné aux amateurs de chirurgie. Rien de bien sérieux mais une belle occasion pour réaliser vos premières opérations à c?ur ouvert. C'est le patient qui va être content!

Dans Surgeon Simulator 2013, vous incarnez un chirurgien dénommé Nigel Burke. Le fait est que Nigel est aussi novice que vous en la matière. Sa dextérité est digne de celle d'un nouveau-né. Qu'à cela ne tienne, votre première opération sera une transplantation cardiaque!

Au lancement de Surgeon Simulator 2013, vous pouvez sélectionner la résolution de la fenêtre de jeu et/ou activer le mode "Plein Ecran".

Dans Surgeon Simulator 2013, le chirurgien que vous êtes n'a besoin que d'une seule main. Les doigts correspondent aux touches suivantes: Q, Z, E, R et Espace. La souris vous aide à la diriger tandis que le bouton de la molette permet de la baisser. Un dernier conseil qui peut se révéler utile: les contrôles sont extrêmement imprécis. Mais passons tout de suite à la découpe des organes...

Ce serait un euphémisme que de parler de plan de travail désordonné dans Surgeon Simulator 2013. Vous avez fait voler le c?ur de remplacement à l'autre bout de la pièce, le patient perd dangereusement des dizaines de litres de sang à cause d'un coup de scalpel mal placé? Prenez donc votre mal en patience, ne perdez pas confiance et recommencez Surgeon Simulator depuis le début.

Notez également que Surgeon Simulator 2013 propose des effets sonores déjantés qui collent assez bien à la "simulation". Le pauvre patient a beau hurler "Oh Jesus", cela ne risque pas de vous arrêter dans votre carnage vu la jouabilité plus qu'exécrable du jeu.

En résumé, Surgeon Simulator ressemble plus à une vaste plaisanterie qu'à une réelle simulation de chirurgie. Nous, en tout cas, on a bien rigolé mais bizarrement, le patient n'est plus là pour témoigner...

Dernière modification: 13/02/13

Les Plus
  • Portée éducative limitée quand même
  • Graphismes assez marrants
Les Moins
  • Contrôles imprécis
  • Difficile de comprendre la fonction de chaque outil


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Telecharger Toastify 1.5 Gratuit

Telecharger Toastify 1.5 Gratuit

Toastify est une petite application gratuite qui ajoute quelques fonctionnalités utiles à Spotify.

Une fois Toastify installé, lancez d'abord Spotify puis Toastify. Une nouvelle icône apparaît alors dans la zone de notification système, semblable à celle de Spotify, mais bleue.

La principale fonction de Toastify est d'afficher des bulles d'information à la manière de Growl. A chaque nouvelle chanson, l'artiste et le titre s'affichent en bas à droite de l'écran.

L'autre fonctionnalité majeure de Toastify est d'offrir à Spotify des raccourcis clavier "globaux", pour contrôler la lecture même quand Spotify n'est pas au premier plan.

Plutôt pratique, cette fonctionnalité est encore expérimentale. En plus des contrôle de lecture et de volume, elle permet d'afficher à la demande la bulle d'information du titre en cours d'audition ou de copier ses informations dans le presse-papier.

Hélas, aucune option n'est disponible pour modifier le comportement des bulles ou les raccourcis clavier. Certaines modifications sont tout de même possible en éditant directement le fichier de configuration de l'application (Toastify.xml).

Assez limité mais doté de quelques fonctionnalités utiles, Toastify servira avant tout aux utilisateurs intensifs de Spotify.


La liste des raccourcis clavier est disponible sur le site de l'éditeur.

Les Plus
  • Gratuit
  • Affichage du titre en cours de lecture
  • Raccourcis clavier "globaux"
Les Moins
  • Pas d'options de configuration
  • L'icône dans le systray ne sert à rien


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Telecharger BlueStacks App Player Gratuit

Telecharger BlueStacks App Player Gratuit

BlueStacks App Player est un programme qui permet de télécharger n'importe quelle application Android pour la lancer sur son Ordinateur. Pas besoin de s'acheter un smartphone trop cher, tout est là.

Android sur Windows

BlueStacks App Player se présente sous la forme la plus simple qui soit. L'interface permet d'accéder immédiatement à la liste des applications installées sur l'émulateur, et à un moteur de recherche permettant de trouver et d'installer de nouvelles applications. Vous disposez de 4 Go d'espace de stockage, ce qui laisse voir venir.

Au total, ce sont plus de 750.000 applications qui sont disponibles par ce biais, à télécharger sur le Google Play Store et l'Amazon Appstore. En-dehors de l'interface, on trouve une mini-application de bureau, qui va se loger en haut de l'écran du PC, permettant d'accéder notamment à mes applications et aux téléchargements populaires.

Les applis comme sur une tablette

BlueStacks App Player se comporte comme un téléphone ou une tablette (minimaliste tout de même). Il suffit de cliquer à la souris sur l'application voulue pour la lancer. Beta oblige, cette action peut parfois planter mais ce fut très rare pendant nos tests. Un bouton permet d'accéder au menu de l'appli en question. Très facile à prendre en main.

En fonction du programme que BlueStacks App Player fait tourner, une liste d'applications Android suggérées change sur la partie droite de l'interface. Un bouton en bas à droite permet d'accéder aux paramètres pour changer la langue, le comportement du clavier (QWERTY par défaut) et désinstaller les applications non désirées.

BlueStacks en lien direct avec votre smartphone

BlueStacks App Player peut synchroniser le contenu de votre téléphone sous OS Android avec son interface sur Windows. Il suffit pour cela de passer par l'application BlueStacks Cloud Connect et d'enregistrer votre téléphone comme étant lié.

NOTE IMPORTANTE: BlueStacks App Player est gratuit tant qu'il est en version Beta. Lorsqu'il sera en version finale, il devrait devenir payant.

BlueStacks App Player est un programme de bureau qui permet à tout le monde d'avoir accès aux applications du Google Play Store, sans s'inscrire ou payer. Son interface claire et son excellent fonctionnement en font un outil souple et vraiment intéressant.

Dernière modification: 13/02/13

Les Plus
  • Très facile à manipuler
  • Téléchargement sur les Stores officiels
  • Installation des apk possible
  • Agréable à l'oeil
Les Moins
  • Parfois instable


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Telecharger Pidgin 2.10.7 Gratuit

Telecharger Pidgin 2.10.7 Gratuit

Pidgin (jadis appelé Gaim) est un client Open Source de messagerie multi-protocoles pour Windows et Linux. Pidgin est compatible avec les réseaux AIM (protocoles Oscar et TOC), ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu et Zephyr.

En clair, les utilisateurs de Pidgin peuvent communiquer simultanément avec un ami connecté sur MSN Messenger, un autre sur IRC, un autre sur Yahoo Messenger, etc. Pidgin supporte beaucoup des fonctionnalités de ces divers réseaux, comme le transfert de fichiers ou les messages en absence.

Pidgin va cependant plus loin en proposant des fonctionnalités bien à lui, comme vous avertir, envoyer un message, jouer un son ou lancer un programme lorsque l'un de vos contacts spécifiés s'en va, revient, ou se connecte. Pidgin comprend encore un grand nombre de plug-ins drôles ou utiles, comme par exemple le remplacement d'abréviations par du "vrai" texte.

Un client de messagerie gratuit presque universel, parfait si vos amis sont disséminés à travers le monde et les réseaux!

Changements récents
  • Correctifs de failles de sécurité
  • La liste complète des derniers changements est disponible ici.
Les Plus
  • Gratuit
  • Un messenger presque
  • Pas d'icones de pub
Les Moins
  • Interface trop basique
  • Gros consommateur de mémoire


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Telecharger SUMo Gratuit

Telecharger SUMo Gratuit

SUMo, c'est le diminutif de Software Update Monitor ou Surveillant des mises à jour de logiciel. Comme son nom l'indique, ce programme léger et très pratique vous aide à conserver vos applications à jour.

SUMo scanne rapidement votre PC ou le dossier que vous spécifiez et répertorie toutes les applications installées. Il vous indique ensuite si tout est OK, ou si une mise à jour est disponible. Tout est automatique et quelques clics suffisent pour savoir si l'on est à la page.

Très simple à utiliser, SUMo est redoutablement efficace pour détecter les nouvelles versions de vos logiciels préférés. En revanche, contrairement à ce qu'indique le bouton "Téléchargez" dans l'interface, il ne télécharge pas vraiment les mises à jour. Le logiciel ne fait que vous emmener sur la page web concernée et vous devez déclencher le transfert vous-même...

L'un des meilleurs logiciels gratuits disponibles pour vérifier que ses logiciels sont à jour.

Les Plus
  • Détecte de nombreuses mises à jour
Les Moins
  • Pas de téléchargement direct des nouvelles versions


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vendredi 8 mars 2013

Telecharger uTorrent Gratuit

Telecharger uTorrent Gratuit

uTorrent est l'un des meilleurs clients de téléchargement de Torrent. Simple à utiliser, léger et complet, uTorrent est une référence pour le téléchargement de toute sorte de fichiers.

La première chose qui étonne au lancement de uTorrent, c'est sa vitesse d'exécution. On accède en un instant à une interface claire et soignée qui rassemble toutes les informations essentielles dans une seule fenêtre.

Pourquoi uTorrent ?

- Le paramétrage automatique des données réseau
- La stabilité
- De nouveaux modules audacieux (le partage avec ses amis, ...)

Les utilisateurs avancés apprécieront la stabilité de uTorrent, sa faible consommation en ressources et le relatif dépouillement de l'ensemble. uTorrent, le meilleur client de téléchargement de Torrent?


Lors de l'installation, une barre d'outil est proposée. Vous pouvez refuser son installation, cela n'empêchera pas uTorrent de fonctionner normalement.

Dernière modification: 30/11/12

Les Plus
  • Parfait pour les novices
  • Interface claire
  • Léger
  • Simple à manipuler
  • Performant avec les réglages par défaut
Les Moins
  • Peut nécessiter une configuration manuelle du routeur pour un fonctionnement optimal


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Telecharger BlueScreenView 1.47 Gratuit

Telecharger BlueScreenView 1.47 Gratuit

BlueScreenView est un utilitaire gratuit pour récupérer les fichiers d'erreur générés par Windows lors d'un plantage avec le fameux "écran bleu de la mort" (Blue screen of death).

Parfois brutal, souvent inquiétant, l'écran bleu de Windows survient en cas d'erreur système irrécupérable. Il affiche une série de codes qui détaillent les causes du plantage, mais a moins de les noter consciencieusement sur un bout de papier, ils sont difficilement exploitables.

Avec BlueScreenView, vous pouvez récupérer directement les fichiers d'erreurs générés à chaque écran bleu dans le dossier minidump de Windows.

BlueScreenView affiche la date de l'incident, les adresses mémoire, les programmes ou les pilotes incriminés et toutes les données utiles pour diagnostiquer le dysfonctionnement à l'origine du plantage.

Quelques copier/coller dans Google devraient ensuite vous permettre de trouver des pistes pour résoudre votre problème.

BlueScreenView est un outil de diagnostic précieux si votre ordinateur est sujet aux écrans bleus.


L'écriture des informations de débogage doit être activée dans la rubrique "Démarrage et récupération" de l'onglet "Avancé" des Propriétés système pour permettre à BlueScreenView de récupérer les messages d'erreur.

Les Plus
  • Résumé en colonnes
  • Rapports aux formats TXT et HTML
  • Simulation des écrans bleus à partir des logs
Les Moins
  • Pas de fichier d'aide


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Telecharger Adobe Reader X 10.1.6 Gratuit

Telecharger Adobe Reader X 10.1.6 Gratuit

Adobe Reader est un logiciel gratuit pour lire, gérer et imprimer les fichiers PDF. Adobe Reader X, la version 10 du célèbre lecteur de PDF d'Adobe, est présentée comme la plus sûre à ce jour grâce à un nouveau mode protégé qui charge les images, textes et objets en 3D dans un environnement de mémoire à part.

Une interface lissée et repensée

Adobe Reader se refait aussi une beauté avec une présentation épurée et attrayante dont les tons gris foncé rappellent les autres applications Pro de l'éditeur. Plus rapide et doté d'une interface plus souple, le lecteur Adobe Reader X reste long à installer.

Des fonctionnalités avancées pour collaborer et partager des PDF

A l'aise avec les eBooks et les PDF multimédias, Adobe Reader accepte aussi les albums multimédias créés depuis Photoshop. Adobe est une grande famille... mais le logiciel peut-il enocre s'imposer face aux multiples concurrents gratuits du marché?

Adobe Reader est cependant bien plus qu'un simple lecteur. Le programme intègre un grand nombre de fonctionnalités avancées destinées au travail collaboratif: annotations, commentaires et corrections (avec surlignage, etc.), suivi de modifications, mais également outils de gestion de projet.

Depuis sa version 10, Adobe Reader intègre des possibilités de partage de documents plutôt intuitives et agréables. Deux options permettent d'envoyer un fichier via votre client email par défaut installé sur l'ordinateur. L'autre permet d'envoyer le document sur une adresse quelconque, via Adobe SendNow, mais cette manipulation requiert un compte Adobe.

Un problème persiste toutefois: impossible de commenter, copier/coller, ni même imprimer certains documents! Le comportement d'Adobe Reader dépend entièrement des droits qui y sont attachés. Résultat dans ces cas-là, la plupart des fonctionnalités du logiciel sont inutilisables par l'utilisateur lambda.

Trop complexe en l'état, une version "Lite" d'Adobe Reader X pour le grand public aurait été plus opportune. Comme outil de travail collaboratif, Adobe Reader fera peut-être l'affaire, mais dans ses déclinaisons plus complètes, et payantes... Dommage, l'outil possède de sérieux atouts.


Vous devrez avoir une connexion Internet lors de l'installation.

Dernière modification: 21/02/13

Les Plus
  • Interface propre
  • Fonctionnalités avancées
  • Ajout de commentaires et corrections
  • Options de partage intuitives
  • Environnement plus sécurisé
Les Moins
  • Dépend des droits sur le document ouvert
  • Installation assez longue


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Telecharger Firefox Bêta 20.0 Gratuit

Telecharger Firefox Bêta 20.0 Gratuit

Firefox 20 bêta vous permet de tester en avant première la prochaine version du navigateur web de Mozilla.

La version bêta de Firefox inclut les dernières améliorations de performance, de personnalisation et de sécurité de Firefox. Installer la version bêta de Firefox permet aussi à chacun d'aider au développement de Mozilla Firefox en signalant les bugs et problèmes rencontrés aux développeurs de Mozilla.

Autres versions de Firefox à télécharger:

  • Firefox Version Finale

  • Firefox Aurora
  • Changements récents
    • Lecture des fichiers PDF depuis le navigateur
    • Possibilité de réinitialiser plus facilement la barre de recherche Awesomebar

    Dernière modification: 22/02/13

    Les Plus
    • Un oeil sur les fonctionnalités futures de Firefox
    Les Moins
    • Pas stable à 100%


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    Telecharger CDBurnerXP Portable Gratuit

    Telecharger CDBurnerXP Portable Gratuit

    CDBurnerXP Pro est un logiciel gratuit de gravure de CD et DVD qui n'a rien à envier à ses concurrents payants. Il prend aussi en charge les Blu-ray et les HD-DVD.

    Le voici présenté dans version portable, autrement dit que vous pouvez placer sur une clé USB, un CD ou un disque dur externe pour le lancer sur n'importe quel ordinateur.

    Son interface claire et conviviale permet d'accéder sans encombre aux fonctions principales: gravure de CD audio et données, création et gravure d'images disque, copie directe de CD à CD, etc.

    Une approche radicalement différente de celle des "usines à gaz" à la Nero en vogue actuellement, et c'est tant mieux!

    Des icônes explicites accompagnées d'info-bulles permettent une prise en main immédiate. Le choix des fichiers à graver s'effectue par un simple glisser-déposer dans l'explorateur de fichiers intégré.

    Plus originale, la "fenêtre d'infos" mobile et de taille réduite reçoit directement les fichiers à graver depuis l'explorateur Windows ou le bureau.

    Appréciable aussi, l'utilitaire intégré de création et d'impression de jaquettes. Très simple, il comporte des pré-réglages pour boîtiers de CD et DVD et permet juste d'insérer une image et le titre de la compilation.

    La gravure de CD audio n'est pas en reste et propose diverses options pratiques comme un lecteur audio intégré pour vérifier ses fichiers ou la conversion à la volée des fichiers compressés.

    Pour conserver des copies de vos supports originaux, CDBurnerXP Pro autorise également de créer des images disque ISO et de les graver sur CD. Le logiciel assure la conversion des fichiers BIN et NRG en ISO.

    Fiable, performant et complet, CDBurner XP Pro est difficile à prendre en défaut. A adopter les yeux fermés.

    Les Plus
    • Gratuit
    • Portable
    • Grave CD et DVD
    • Création et gravure ISO
    • Création de jaquettes
    • En français
    Les Moins
    • N'est pas mis à jour aussi souvent que CDBurnerXP Pro


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    jeudi 7 mars 2013

    Telecharger Dropbox 1.6.17 Gratuit

    Telecharger Dropbox 1.6.17 Gratuit

    Dropbox est un logiciel gratuit pour stocker, synchroniser et partager des fichiers en ligne. A l'heure des netbooks et du nomadisme, il remplace avantageusement disques durs amovibles et clés USB.

    2 Go de stockage gratuit

    L'installation de Dropbox est rapide. La seule formalité à remplir est de créer un compte sur le site de l'éditeur pour bénéficier de votre espace de stockage gratuit de 2Go. Associez ensuite votre ordinateur à votre compte et vous voilà prêt. Des offres payantes proposant plus d'espace sont disponibles sur le site de l'éditeur.

    Une icône dans la zone de notification système vous permet ensuite de contrôler Dropbox mais l'essentiel des opérations s'effectue directement dans l'explorateur de fichiers.

    Un dossier pour tout synchroniser

    Pour uploader des fichiers, rien de plus simple. Il suffit de les faire glisser ou de les copier vers le dossier "Dropbox" situé par défaut dans "Mes Documents".

    L'application synchronise ce dossier automatiquement avec votre espace de stockage en ligne pour tous les ordinateurs associés à votre compte. Pratique pour garder ses documents à portée de main sur toutes ses machines.

    Partager des fichiers avec qui vous voulez

    Un sous-dossier "Public" permet de partager vos fichiers avec les personnes de votre choix qu'elles soient enregistrées sur Dropbox ou non. Enfin, le sous-dossier "Photos" permet d'accéder directement à une galerie et un diaporama de vos clichés.

    Dropbox est aussi parfaitement adapté dans le cadre d'une utilisation professionnelle. Tous les échanges sont cryptés et vous pouvez partager des dossiers privés avec des collaborateurs qui seront les seuls à pouvoir y accéder.

    Extrêmement simple à utiliser, Dropbox fait du stockage en ligne une alternative crédible au stockage traditionnel. A essayer au plus vite.

    Changements récents
    • Ajout de l'identification en deux temps

    Dernière modification: 19/02/13

    Les Plus
    • 2 Go d'espace de stockage gratuit
    • Très simple à utiliser
    • Multi plates-formes et interface web
    Les Moins
    • La vitesse de transfert dépend de votre connexion
    • Pas d'indication des taux de transfert pendant la synchronisation


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    Telecharger Bad Piggies 1.1.0 Gratuit

    Telecharger Bad Piggies 1.1.0 Gratuit

    Bad Piggies est un jeu édité par Rovio sur Windows. Le génial créateur de la saga Angry Birds et Amazing Alex mélange ces deux univers pour sortir un jeu encore terriblement addictif. Les héros ne sont autres que les cochons martyrisés pendant tant de niveaux. Ces derniers doivent construire des machines pour atteindre chaque fin de niveau. Brillant!

    Télécharger Bad Piggies sur Windows, et s'envoler vers la victoire

    Bad Piggies se déroule dans plusieurs niveaux superbes. Nos chers cochons ont établi une carte menant aux ?ufs qu'ils veulent dérober. Malheureusement, celle-ci est détruite en petits morceaux. Le but du jeu est d'amener le cochon à collecter un bout de carte dans chaque niveau, tout en attrapant au passage les 3 étoiles de la perfection. Ce dernier point reste optionnel.

    Pour porter son cochon vers la victoire, le joueur doit lui construire une machine qui roule, qui vole, qui se propulse, qui glisse... Peu importe le moyen de transport, le but est d'arriver à bon port. Si les premiers niveaux sont relativement évidents avec peu d'objets à disposition et un parcours simple, les niveaux suivants se compliquent pour des heures de fun et de réflexion.

    Bad Piggies, les niveaux

    La première version de Bad Piggies comprend:
    ? 2 chapitres
    ? 72 niveaux classiques
    ? 18 niveaux bonus
    ? 5 niveaux Sandbox

    Les niveaux Sandbox sont des niveaux géants où il faut collecter 20 étoiles en construisant le meilleur véhicule possible. Pour cela, il faut gagner des niveaux classiques et débloquer des objets pour bâtir votre machine.

    De plus en plus de ressources

    Bad Piggies offre de plus en plus d'objets pour construire sa machine, pour des centaines de possibilités: des cubes pour la structure, des roues, des lasers, des propulseurs, des parapluies, des ressorts, des ventilateurs, des ailerons, et bien d'autres encore à découvrir au fur et à mesure que vous avancez.

    Bad Piggies met en avant la créativité de chaque joueur comme dans Amazing Alex sur iPhone. Il n'y a souvent pas qu'une seule solution, mais plusieurs. Creusez-vous les méninges!

    A noter aussi que Bad Piggies propose un niveau bonus tous les 4 niveaux, à condition d'avoir remporté assez d'étoiles dans ces 4 niveaux précédents. Les étoiles sont posées sur le chemin, se gagnent en réalisant un temps canon ou en arrivant à la fin du niveau dans son véhicule.

    Ambiance parfaite

    L'ambiance générale du jeu est délicieuse. Entre les graphismes de très grande qualité, la souplesse dans la construction de machine et une musique diaboliquement entraînante, tout est réuni pour séduire son monde.

    Et ne parlons pas de la physique des objets en mouvement. Rovio a déjà montré qu'il maitrisait parfaitement ce point dans Angry Birds.

    Toutefois, la collecte des 3 étoiles est laborieuse. Il faut souvent refaire les niveaux plusieurs fois pour les gagner une par une (pas d'autres choix), et certaines nécessitent un temps fou tant l'action pour s'y rendre est lente.

    Les jeux Rovio qui ont inspiré Bad Piggies

    Rovio s'est appuyé sur des éléments de ses jeux précédents pour créer Bad Piggies. Il suffit d'y jeter un ?il pour s'en rendre compte:

    Télécharger Angry Birds
    Télécharger Angry Birds Seasons
    Télécharger Angry Birds Rio
    Télécharger Angry Birds Space
    Télécharger Amazing Alex sur iOS

    Bad Piggies sur Windows est un jeu dans la même veine que ceux de la saga Angry Birds. Aussi prenant que ces derniers, il met en lumière les anti-héros oubliés qui ne demandent qu'à prendre leur envol dans cette application brillante, voire indispensable pour les fans du genre.

    Dernière modification: 04/10/12

    Les Plus
    • Ambiance générale superbe
    • Plusieurs possibilités
    • Challenge des étoiles
    • Place à la créativité
    Les Moins
    • Certains niveaux tortueux
    • Collecte d'étoiles laborieuse


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    Telecharger MediaFire Express Gratuit

    Telecharger MediaFire Express Gratuit

    MediaFire Express est le client officiel de MediaFire pour charger des fichiers sur votre compte de façon rapide et pratique et faciliter leur partage avec vos contacts.

    Avec MediaFire Express, vous bénéficiez de 50 Go de stockage en ligne gratuits pour mettre en ligne des fichiers et y accéder où que vous soyez. Chaque fichier envoyé ne doit pas dépasser la taille limite de 200 Mo fixée par MediaFire.

    Pour envoyer des fichiers sur votre compte, MediaFire Express vous laisse le choix: vous pouvez le faire depuis le menu contextuel, depuis la zone de notification de Windows par simple glisser-déposer ou directement en ligne sur votre compte MediaFire.

    MediaFire Express affiche la progression de vos chargements. Quand un transfert est terminé, le logiciel fournit une URL pour partager le(s) fichier(s) envoyé(s) avec vos contacts. Une option permet aussi de régler le niveau de confidentialité de vos fichiers en "privé" ou "public".

    Lorsque vos fichiers sont en ligne, vous pouvez les organiser et les classer dans des dossiers et y accéder depuis n'importe quel dispositif: que ce soit un PC, un Mac, une tablette, un Android, un iPhone, etc.

    MediaFire Express fait la part belle à la collaboration. Vous pouvez autoriser l'édition de vos fichiers et permettre à vos contacts de travailler avec vous sur des documents. Une autre option permet quant à elle à vos contacts de charger leurs documents sur votre compte.

    Si vous avez besoin de partager des fichiers en ligne, MediaFire est une solution intéressante avec ses 50 Go de stockage en ligne gratuits. Et si vous l'utilisez , MediaFire Express sera l'outil indispensable pour envoyer des fichiers sur votre compte.

    Dernière modification: 09/10/12

    Les Plus
    • 50 Go de stockage en ligne gratuits
    • Envoi des fichiers par glisser-déposer
    • Inclut un outil de capture d'écran
    Les Moins
    • Taille par fichier limitée à 200 Mo


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    Telecharger Counter-Strike Online 0.55 Gratuit

    Telecharger Counter-Strike Online 0.55 Gratuit

    Destiné avant tout au marché asiatique mais jouable depuis n'importe quel endroit du monde, Counter-Strike Online est un jeu de tir à la première personne optimisé pour les parties en réseau. Cette version en ligne utilise le même moteur graphique que les précédents versions et propose de nouveaux modes de jeu baptisés Zombie. Pour commencer à jouer, enregistrez vous gratuitement sur le site de l'éditeur puis téléchargez le client Counter-Strike Online.

    A l'origine, Counter-Strike n'était qu'un mod pour Half-Life. Suite à son succès fulgurant, l'éditeur Valve en professionnel avisé décide de concevoir un jeu pour PC Counter-Strike. Suite au très large succès du titre et poussé par la mode des jeux "free-to-play", Valve nous propose aujourd'hui cette version gratuite pour le plaisir de tous les joueurs.

    Les 4 modes de jeu

    - Original et Team Deathmatch, les deux incontournables des jeux de tir à la première personne. Deux équipes de joueurs s'affrontent en ligne sur des cartes plus ou moins accidentées. A vous d'embrasser la carrière de votre choix: soldat ou terroriste.
    - Zombie 2 et Zombie Scenario offrent un peu d'originalité dans le monde du FPS. Si vous êtes contaminé, vous passez du côté des morts vivants.

    Une fois Counter-Strike Online installé, vous devez vous enregistrer sur le site de l'éditeur pour commencer à jouer. Chaque partie vous permet d'accumuler des points, qui vous permettront à leur tour d'acquérir de nouvelles armes plus puissantes. La courbe d'apprentissage pour devenir un soldat confirmé est progressive et le jeu Counter-Strike Online offre à tous les joueurs la garantie d'un gameplay agréable et adapté au niveau de chacun.

    Malheureusement, Counter-Strike Online a perdu de sa superbe. Le jeu accuse le poids des années, surtout au niveau graphique. En contrepartie, Counter-Strike Online ne nécessite pas une configuration matérielle dernière génération pour fonctionner correctement.

    Counter-Strike, c'est le grand classqiue du FPS sur PC. Les serveurs dédiés à ce jeu de tir à la première personne ne désemplissent pas. Idéal pour découvrir les joies du FPS, sans y laisser son porte-monnaie.

    Les Plus
    • Difficulté progressive
    • De nombreux modes de jeu
    • Fonctionnalité anti-cheats
    • Gratuit
    Les Moins
    • Graphismes vieillots


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    mercredi 6 mars 2013

    Download SnapCrab for Windows 1 Free

    Download SnapCrab for Windows 1 Free

    SnapCrab for Windows is a powerful tool for taking screen captures with tons of options to customize.

    If you do a lot of web tutorials or reviews (like we do), then a screen capture program is a must. By default, Windows requires you to hit print screen and paste the image into an editor like Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop. Programs like SnapCrab and Snagit provide a more elegant solution with powerful capturing tools.

    SnapCrab for Windows has the ability to snap the entire screen, a single program, or a single window. It also allows you to take captures with transparent or colored backgrounds. SnapCrab for Windows includes many different customization options, like defining your own hot keys and modifying how the program takes snapshots. Another feature we really enjoyed was SnapCrab for Windows' ability to give us HTML color codes of anything on the screen.

    Unfortunately, SnapCrab for Windows doesn't include an editor so the captures you take will have to be thrown into a secondary app for modification. However, sharing captures is easy as it integrates with Facebook, Twitter, and Evernote for quick sharing within the app.

    While SnapCrab for Windows is not nearly as easy to use as Snagit, it is certainly the right price (free!) and offers a much more elegant screen capturing experience than Window's default method.

    • Free
    • Powerful features
    • Tons of customization
    • Easy sharing
    • Not as easy to use as Snagit
    • Doesn't include a way to edit within the app

    Download SnapCrab for Windows 1

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    Download iPod, iPhone and iPad Firmware iOS 5.0.1 Free

    Download iPod, iPhone and iPad Firmware iOS 5.0.1 Free

    This is the official Apple firmware update for iPod, iPhone and iPad.

    It's a good idea to update your firmware for many reasons such as to add new features, improve mobile performance, battery interface, iOS etc. The iPod, iPhone and iPad Firmware is in IPSW format and can be applied via iTunes, through the restore option. The process is very easy and safe.

    This particular version is for the iPhone 4 standard (not the S model). If the IPSW linked here does not work, we recommend you use the excellent utility ipswDownloader, which automatically downloads the IPSW you need.

    Whether you need to undo a jailbreak or update the iPhone, iPod or iPad to a later version, this firmware is a must download.

    • Official Apple firmware for iPad, iPhone and iPad
    • Easy to install via iTunes
    • Large file size
    • Not for iPhone 4S

    Download iPod, iPhone and iPad Firmware iOS 5.0.1

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    Download Free Audio Converter Free

    Download Free Audio Converter Free

    If you like to buy high quality music files, as many sites now offer files in lossless WAV format, you will probably need to convert them for use on a portable device.

    Free Audio Converter is a tool that does exactly that. It can convert between MP3, M4A, AAC, WAV WMA and OGG files, unfortunately not the lossless FLAC format. However, that covers most formats you might see, and it almost couln't be easier to use.

    Simply drag in any files you want to convert, choose a format, destination and quality for conversion, and hit Convert. It's pretty fast, and does it's job well. More advanced users might want more configuration options than are available, but it will cover most people's needs.

    The only bad things about Free Audio Converter are that installation automatically opens your browser and loads the developer's homepage, And the buttons in the application's toolbar are largely useless.

    Free Audio Converter is exactly what is says it is, and it's a reliable and relatively flexible tool for conversion of audio.

    Free Audio Converter supports the following formats

    MP3, WAV, M4A, AAC, WMA, OggVorbis

    • Drag and drop your files
    • Clear interface
    • Reasonable format selection
    • Could have more configuration options
    • No FLAC support

    Download Free Audio Converter

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    Download Adobe Flash CS6 Professional 12.0 Free

    Download Adobe Flash CS6 Professional 12.0 Free

    Adobe Flash CS6 offers a professional development environment to help you create vector-based multimedia content for the web. From simple buttons and banners to complex online applications and streaming video, Flash opens up a world of infinite possibilities to the web developer.

    At first glance, the user interface in Adobe Flash CS6 will seem very overwhelming for the newcomer, although the software comes with plenty of tutorials and guides to get you started. But for those already versed in Flash, the Adobe Flash UI is a dream thanks to its drag-and-drop elements and customizable workspaces which allow you to pre-define the layout of all the various toolbars, timelines and panels.

    Already loaded with a rich array of features for creating immersive web apps, Adobe Flash CS6 adds even more powerful tools than the previous version. There's new support for HTML5, Sprite sheet generation, Wide platform and device support, Prepackaged Adobe AIR application creation, Adobe AIR mobile simulation and Stage 3D targeting.

    The great thing about Adobe Flash is the way it integrates with the other apps in Creative Suite 6. You can seamlessly import and export projects and content from the latest versions of Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Illustrator.

    Adobe Flash remains a hugely important web design tool. And with the latest changes in CS6 it is becoming increasingly adaptable for developing powerful internet applications and rich content for mobile devices.

    If you're at all interested in web development, you can't afford to be without Adobe Flash CS6.

    Recent changes
    • New support for HTML5 - Leverage a new extension (available separately) to create interactive HTML5 content by building on core animation and drawing capabilities in Flash Professional. Export as JavaScript to target the CreateJS open source framework.
    • Sprite sheet generation - Export symbols and animation sequences to quickly generate sprite sheets that help improve the gaming experience, workflow, and performance.
    • Wide platform and device support - Reach Android and iOS devices by targeting the latest Adobe Flash Player and AIR runtimes.
    • Prepackaged Adobe AIR application creation - Create and deliver applications with a prepackaged Adobe AIR captive runtime. Streamline application testing and enable end users to run your content without additional downloads.
    • Adobe AIR mobile simulation - Simulate common mobile application interactions like screen orientation, touch gestures, and accelerometer to help speed up testing.
    • Stage 3D targeting - Turbocharge rendering performance by using direct mode to leverage the open source Starling Framework for hardware-accelerated 2D content.

    For technical reasons the download link takes you to the Adobe sign-in page, where you must register or log in to download Adobe Flash CS6

    • Clear, customizable interface
    • Complete motion editor
    • Accessible ActionScript editor
    • Excellent compatibility with other CS5 apps
    • Complicated for newcomers

    Download Adobe Flash CS6 Professional 12.0

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    Download WinSnap 4.0.4 Free

    Download WinSnap 4.0.4 Free

    Sometimes I feel like I spend half of my life at Softonic taking screenshots, so I know what's important when it comes to screenshot programs. We use SnagIt in the office, but there are plenty of other options out there such as WinSnap.

    This little program has a simple, uncluttered interface that is really very attractive. There is a large preview window where you can see the screenshot you have just taken, as well as viewing how it looks with some of WinSnap's effects added. The program has a full selection of hotkeys so that taking screenshots - of the desktop, windows, regions of the screen and more - can be done as quickly as possible.

    WinSnap has plenty of configuration options: you can toggle whether or not to include the mouse, delay the shot (useful for when you want to capture open menus, etc.) and even fine-tune any of the WinSnap effects, contours, watermarks and shadow included. This version of the program is especially optimized for Windows Vista and 7, which means that it has no problem with rounded window edges or transparent borders.

    WinSnap is a nice program that is attractive, simple and efficient. In fact, if I was new to screenshots and wanted a no-fuss program with almost no learning curve, it would be prefect. More experienced users, however, will miss the advanced configuration options available with other programs, and the huge watermark placed on all WinSnap images in the trial version is sure to be a problem for lots of users.

    WinSnap is perfect for screenshot newbies.

    Recent changes
    • Updated languages: German, Slovenian
    • Added test support of Windows 8 Developer Preview
    • Fixed issue with clearing Tools menu preferences after restart
    • Fixed issue with "dwmapi.dll not found" error on Windows 2000/XP
    WinSnap supports the following formats


    • Easy to configure external editing tools
    • Nice preview window
    • Can capture multiple windows in one go
    • Not many advanced configuration options
    • Trial version watermark makes images unusable

    Download WinSnap 4.0.4

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    mardi 5 mars 2013

    Download ISO to USB 1.0 Free

    Download ISO to USB 1.0 Free

    ISO to USB is a self-explanatory program that allows you to make any USB storage device bootable.

    If you've installed an operating system using a CD or DVD, you know how slow (and loud!) the process is. With ISO to USB, you can take a disk image in ISO format and image it directly on the drive. The application is super simple with only a few options for the user to adjust.

    The main interface of ISO to USB presents the user with a drop down of the attached external drives on the computer. You can choose to format the flash drive to FAT32, exFAT, or NTFS. Locate your ISO file and ISO to USB will do the rest.

    Performance was decent, but ISO to USB froze our system when making our flash drive bootable. While the system did eventually resume, this is a major and unacceptable flaw. We also wish there were a partitioner built into the application to put multiple images onto large drives.

    Overall, we laud ISO to USB for its simplicity and quick formatting but having the program freeze our computer while in use is unacceptable.

    • Quick formatting
    • Simple to use interface
    • Makes OS installs quicker than using a DVD
    • Froze our system while creating bootable ISO
    • No partitioner included

    Download ISO to USB 1.0

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    Download HardCopy Pro 3.3.6 Free

    Download HardCopy Pro 3.3.6 Free

    Capturing screen shots should be as easy as possible - I want something that can catch anything, resize it instantly and save it any format I need.

    HardCopy Pro ticks all the right boxes as a versatile, easy to use screen capture utility for Windows. HardCopy Pro can capture rectangular screen areas and whole windows which can then be cropped very easily and the color depth changed to any desired value - from monochrome to true color. Once you've saved an image, it can be printed, saved, copied to the clipboard, emailed and edited with any image editing program.

    The main selling points of HardCopy Pro are that it can capture just about any shape or Window on your screen and you can even set a timer to take shots for you - useful if you can't be bothered to hang around for a specific timed video shot. Unfortunately, like many screen capture tools, it doesn't handle pop up menus or Flash menus very well. As soon as you go to access HardCopy Pro, they disappear because the mouse cursor is no longer on them and there seems no way of activating HardCopy Pro without using the cursor.

    HardCopy Pro is a useful screen capture tool for all those that don't need something flashy but does a solid job of the most basic screen capturing action.

    Recent changes
    • New: improved default image file format for "Send To"
    • Simple captures and resizing in one click
    • Captures any window size
    • Does not handle drop-down menus or Flash well

    Download HardCopy Pro 3.3.6

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    Download PhotoLine 17.10 Free

    Download PhotoLine 17.10 Free

    Who says you absolutely need Photoshop when editing images? PhotoLine is just another example that solid alternatives photo editing tools do exist.

    The application loads very fast compared to Photoshop, and offers a very similar interface, with most of your tools placed on the left. You'll get access to a wide range of layers, effects and filters from the menu bar and various viewing modes. The program also lets you easily create HDR images and offers full masking support.

    Photoline includes a web tab, from which you can create animations, buttons or images. In 'web export' you'll be able to add last second touches and actions such as converting to grey or brightening shadows.

    A solid image editor needs to be able to save to many formats, which PhotoLine does. You can choose from over 20 different types including Macintosh icon and AVI.

    To be honest though, we'd have to say that PhotoLine compares best with Photoshop Elements, simply because it doesn't have as many features as the complete Photoshop.

    In all though, PhotoLine remains an excellent image editing application with many tools and effects to get the most out of your pictures.

    Recent changes
    • Many improvement and fixes which can be read in much detail at
    • Lots of layers, effect and filters
    • HDR image support
    • Web export
    • Many formats
    • Slightly less advanced than Photoshop

    Download PhotoLine 17.10

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    Download Abrosoft FantaMorph 5.3.1 Free

    Download Abrosoft FantaMorph 5.3.1 Free

    Abrosoft FantaMorph is a user-friendly program that lets you transform two photos into a cool video morph.

    Abrosoft FantaMorph stands out for its ease of use. Once you launch the program and pass the morphing capacity diagnosis test, a wizard leads you through the process of creating a morphing or warping effect. The first one creates a transition animation between two pictures, whilst the second one generates an animation based on a single picture.

    Morphing is based on dots that you place on the picture to point out the exact areas Abrosoft FantaMorph will use to create the animation effect. So for example, to create a morphing effect between two close-ups, you add dots around the face, eyes, nose and so on, creating a dotted outline of the source image and arranging these same dots to coincide with the face, eyes, nose and everything else in the target image. So, the more dots you have, the more realistic your effect will look.

    Abrosoft FantaMorph does a good job at managing the dots: you can add them simultaneously to both photos, move them around easily, lay a grid over the image for improved accuracy or even zoom in on the picture. However, the zoom tool makes it a pain to move around the image as the Abrosoft FantaMorph working area is pretty small and cannot be resized. The same objection stands for the interface buttons, which are too small.

    If the morphing and warping are not enough, Abrosoft FantaMorph features a wide range of effects to apply to your pictures, such as background images, masks, music and transition effects. You can select them through the wizard or from the program's interface, and see how they look like in the preview window. When your project is finished, Abrosoft FantaMorph lets you export it as an AVI video, an image sequence, a webpage or even a screensaver.

    If you want to create an appealing morphing effect in a surprisingly easy way, Abrosoft FantaMorph is definitely the application you're looking for.

    Recent changes
    • New Layer Morph - Have multiple morphs running in different layers simultaneously. This makes it possible to create very professional and stunning morphs
    • Improved Rendering Engine - You can get more sharp and clear morphing image quality with the improved rendering engine
    • New Face Extractor - New face extractor is much more accurate and faster than ever before
    • New Face Locator - New face locator is much more accurate and faster than ever before
    • New Face Model - You can use a customized face model to create face morphs.
    • New Sequence List Panel - With the new sequence list panel you can easily add, delete, move, link, duplicate sequences
    • New Camera - Now you can create intuitional camera tracks, control proportions of each key frame
    • New Dual View mode - FantaMorph can now work perfectly on dual monitors
    • Splittable Workspace - The three main panels, Image 1, Image 2 and Preview, are splittable now. Separate Sequence Effects - Each sequence can have different effects now
    • New sequence effect: Trail - With Trail you can add a motion blur or motion trail effect for a sequence
    • Extremely easy to use
    • Project creation wizard
    • Face Locator tool
    • Many export formats
    • Interface working areas are not resizable
    • Buttons are too small

    Download Abrosoft FantaMorph 5.3.1

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    Download Picaboo Free

    Download Picaboo Free

    Picaboo is a desktop app that lets you create different types of projects with your own digital images.

    There are a lot of different photo editors out there that let you manipulate your own digital images. Picaboo adds an additional service of allowing you to be able to purchase and have a hard copy of your creations sent to you.

    Picaboo requires no programming or design knowledge. You just pick the type of project you'd like to make and follow the step by step instructions. With Picaboo, you can make calendars, collages, photo albums and other creative content by choosing photos you already have saved on your computer and uploading them into the program.

    On top of its easy navigability and usability, Picaboo is also a gorgeous app. It's got some great backgrounds to display your photos on while you're arranging them. Conveniently enough, the backgrounds aren't in the least bit distracting either.

    In addition to being able to make your own different types of photographic content, there's also a convenient feature called BookGenie you can choose if you're not feeling all that creative yourself. BookGenie will automatically pull photos from your computer and then creates a read-to-edit photo book for you.

    Of course, the big downside (or perk, depending on how you're looking at it!) is that to receive hard copies of your creations, you'll have to shell out some money. Picaboo's ultimate service is photo printing. Of course, if you just want to share your creations on your computer with friends and family, that doesn't even cost you a dime.

    Note that Picaboo requires Adobe AIR to run.

    Picaboo is a lightweight app that makes arranging your photos into creative masterpieces a snap.


    Picaboo requires Adobe AIR to run.

    • Gorgeously designed app
    • Make photo books, cards, calendars and more
    • BookGenie feature creates a photo book for you
    • Hard copies of content cost money
    • Takes time to get the hang of it

    Download Picaboo

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    lundi 4 mars 2013

    Download System Explorer 3.8.8 Free

    Download System Explorer 3.8.8 Free

    System Explorer is a complete tool that could be described as the standard Windows Task Manager on steroids.

    This full-featured system analyzing tool lets you take a sneak peek at everything that's going on in your system, like currently active processes, network connections, startup applications, system services and opened files, among other elements.

    System Explorer features a renewed interface with a top toolbar that gives you access to the different areas of information included in the program (Processes, Performance and History) and a main window to display the selected area.

    The good thing about System Explorer is that it enables you not only to see what's brewing in your system, but also take action. You can end any active program, set the priority for a selected process or delete items from the startup menu. Another feature I specially liked in System Explorer is the ability to obtain more information about each process from Google and, or check it for virus with an online antivirus tool.

    With a handful of configuration and customization options that put the finishing touch, System Explorer is efficient, useful and easy to use. Even if you're happy with the Windows Task Manager, you should give it a try. You have nothing to lose!

    System Explorer is a full-featured task and process manager that gives you an exhaustive view of all the activities currently going on in your system.

    Recent changes
    • Version 3.7.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! This version adds "Discovered" column to Processes,Modules and autoruns, improves list of modules in Process Details dialog, adds option to customise color and background of the CPU Graph and more.
    • Complete system analysis
    • Includes links to obtain more information
    • Extra tools to manage startup items and browser add-ons
    • None worth mentioning

    Download System Explorer 3.8.8

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    Download Personal eCards 2.9 Free

    Download Personal eCards 2.9 Free

    Personal eCards lets you create and share custom greeting cards for any occasion.

    Sending personalized cards through the mail can be expensive and time consuming. Personal eCards helps create and send personalized cards for a number of different occasions. You can import your own photos, choose a design, and edit text for your custom cards. After you're done you can save, email or share your creation on Facebook and Twitter.

    The interface of Personal eCards is very snappy and allows drag and drop importing of photos. There aren't many options, however, and the card design selection is very limited. The designs that are available, meanwhile, are decent but bland. There are no options to adjust anything other than your picture and text, which is a bummer. It would have been nice to at least rotate a photo for some fun angles.

    Overall, Personal eCards is a very basic card creation program but it works well. We just wish there were more personalization options and card designs.

    • Snappy interface
    • Easy sharing
    • Good looking default templates
    • Limited card templates
    • Not enough customization

    Download Personal eCards 2.9

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    Download ODIN Free

    Download ODIN Free

    ODIN is a tool that helps make the creation of backup disk images as simple as possible.

    ODIN stands for Open Disk Imager in a Nutshell, which is a pretty self-explanatory name for this utility. With ODIN you'll be able to create exact images of any of the hard drives on your system, including external drives, USB memory drives and other removable media.

    Using ODIN is very easy and hardly takes a couple of minutes. Simply select the drive you want to create the image of and open the Settings menu to tweak the image options: you can choose whether you want to compress the image file or not, split it into several parts or not and limit its size to an exact number of megabytes to make it fit a CD or DVD.

    From this point on, however, ODIN's not that fast. Image disks take a while to be generated, though the total elapsed time will vary depending on the selected settings and, of course, the size of the drive you're working with.

    ODIN is probably the easiest way to create an exact image of your hard drive, and also allows you to compress the resulting file.

    Recent changes
    • Bug fixes:
    • Fix a crash when restoring an entire disk untder Windows 7 (wait until ready lock drive and volumes)
    • fix crash in command line version when stdin or stdout are redirected to a file
    • improve error message when volume is too small for a restore and report size
    • fix a problem where application cannot be terminated after some exceptions in rare occasions
    • Very easy to use
    • Works with any hard drive
    • Image files can be compressed
    • Image files can be split
    • Image generation takes a while

    Download ODIN

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    Download CintaNotes Portable 1.6.2 Free

    Download CintaNotes Portable 1.6.2 Free

    If you work a lot on your PC, you'll know how quickly your desktop can get cluttered. Collecting useful information and ideas can become a mess of browser tags, bookmarks and documents. CintaNotes can help.

    CintaNotes is a surprisingly neat note manager, a place where you can easily and quickly collect information while keeping your desktop workable. There are other options like Sticky Notes, but they can get messy and disorganized. CintaNotes works by highlighting text and using a hot key. If you're on a web page, just highlight a part of the text, tap Ctrl + F12 (this can be configured as you like) and a note will appear in CintaNotes. This note will include the text, plus the source, date and time. Searching for a note is simple and in real time as you type in your search term, which makes finding information a cinch.

    CintaNotes' interface is very clean and modern, and while it's not skinnable, you can choose the color scheme. You can to minimize the app to the system tray, saving more space. If you use it a lot you can close it to the system tray too, so it's always to hand. CintaNotes will order your notes by date and time, title link or size, as well as add tags to notes and order them that way. There is no image support - it currently only keeps text based notes - though obviously you can keep a note of links to images.

    This portable version of CintaNotes can be installed and ran on a USB drive, so you can take your notes with you.

    CintaNotes is a really well realized note manager, and is a fantastic way to quickly store and retrieve ideas and information.

    Recent changes
    • Ability to tag imported notes: "Add tags" field in the import dialog.Enhancement
    • Licensed version is now fully portableEnhancement
    • License key file is written into the CintaNotes folder. Only if the write into this folder fails (when e.g. the folder is inside of Program Files), the Application Data folder is used.
    • Editor window could open on wrong monitor in a multi-monitor system.Fix
    • Editor: Pasting from MS OneNote was not working.Fix
    • Search for "-word" with "Search inside words" ON produced wrong results.Fix
    • Fixed lost portability because of storing absolute paths to .db files: now relative paths are used for .db files located in the application folder and below.Fix
    • Fixed SQLite syntax error on searching for "|".Fix
    • Fixed possible "Internal protection error" problem.Fix
    • Automatic notebook reloading was not properly working, which could hinder DropBox sync.Fix
    • Fixed wrong editor window positioning when closed while partly off-screen.Fix
    • Tag highlight highlighted "|" even when it meant OR.Fix
    • Fixed huge search performance drop when using the OR operator ("|").Fix
    • Fixed CN crash at startup if notebook drive was inaccessible.Fix
    • Fixed exception on closing notebook if the next file in MRU list had been deleted.Fix
    • Fixed tags filter resetting after clipping even with "Assign active tags" option.Fix

    • Portable!
    • Configurable hot keys
    • Lightwieght
    • Real time, effective search
    • Only support for text notes

    Download CintaNotes Portable 1.6.2

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    Download iSpy Free

    Download iSpy Free

    iSpy is a free, open-source webcam monitoring and surveillance program.

    It distinguishes itself by being free, without skimping on options. In fact, iSpy is hugely flexible, and all but the most demanding users will find that it offers enough to happily meet their needs. The interface is a little strange (the top half looks great, but the bottom is old-fashioned), and the program takes up a huge amount of RAM. But these problems aside, it's a really impressive piece of software.

    iSpy can be configured to work with various input sources, whether a conventional webcam, IP cam, capture card, desktop camera or microphone, all with a view to monitoring your home and making sure everything is well. Setting up a camera for iSpy is easy - in all probability, it will automatically detect your device, but if it doesn't, there's a handy wizard to help you along the way.

    The iSpy interface is completely configurable, but the default layout gives you a main feed on the top, the movement captures beneath, and quick options to the side. It's also accessible from the taskbar, and remotely, provided you have an active iSpy subscription.

    Although iSpy is ready to go from the moment you install it, it's really worth taking a look at the configuration options and settings. Although extensive, they're not complicated, and will really help you get the most from a very flexible app. Just bear in mind that for a lot of the program's features, you will need a paid account - primarily secured remote access, SMS, MMS, email alerts and mobile device access.

    On the iSpy web site, there's a huge list of possible uses, and it certainly gives you food for thought. The program's options certainly back this up, as it's flexible enough to cater for all eventualities. The only problem we can see, in fact, is the resource-intensive usage.

    When we tested iSpy, it seemed clear that only those using pretty powerful machines would be able to run it at the same time as other applications. Of course, as iSpy is mainly used for remote monitoring, that may not be a problem for all users, but it's worth bearing in mind.

    iSpy is a very promising piece of surveillance software - but you'll need a subscription and a powerful PC to get the most from it.

    • Highly configurable
    • Effective
    • Free!
    • Strange interface
    • Takes up a lot of memory
    • Requires an account for most purposes

    Download iSpy

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    samedi 2 mars 2013

    Download Desktop Google Reader 1.4.4 Free

    Download Desktop Google Reader 1.4.4 Free

    Desktop Google Reader is an application that syncs your Google Reader RSS feeds to read on your desktop.

    Google Reader is a great web app and service for subscribing to RSS feeds. Desktop Google Reader hopes to make it easier to use with its desktop application but ultimately fails. Let's find out why.

    The interface of Desktop Google Reader resembles a website from 1999. Its buttons and color scheme are random colors and it largely resembles an email application with feeds on the left, individual stories up top, and the actual article below. Desktop Google Reader also failed to import all of our RSS feeds from Google Reader.

    There are some redeeming qualities. Desktop Google Reader has great sharing options with services like Instapaper, Pocket, and Clicking on the full article within the app thankfully opens up the link within the application instead of opening up in a separate web browser.

    Overall, Desktop Google Reader is a lackluster application that lacks many of the features of the Google Reader website.

    Recent changes
    • Taskbar icon overlay (number of unread items) can now be switched off in preferences (Windows Vista / 7 only)
    • Maximize button now can be toggled to be fullscreen (as befor) or only normal maximize (taskbar stays visible) in preferences
    • List of feeds is now sorted by alphabet
    • Easy sharing
    • Links open within the app
    • Snarl integration for notifications
    • Have to manually enter RSS feeds
    • Can't unsubscribe
    • No keyboard shortcuts
    • Didn't import all of our feeds

    Download Desktop Google Reader 1.4.4

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    Download Syder Arcade 1.0 Free

    Download Syder Arcade 1.0 Free

    Syder Arcade is a side scrolling, retro shoot 'em up PC game with fast-paced shooting and dynamic environments.

    Syder Arcade is a simple game. While the developers try to put in some plot, there's really no need for one. Choose a ship and fly into combat with aliens. Shoot anything that moves. What Syder Arcade lacks in plot, it gains in game play...

    While side scrolling shoot 'em ups are nothing new, Syder Arcade introduces another aspect of gameplay: the ability to turn around and shoot backwards. Enemies in the game are relentless and will attack you from the front and behind. You can switch directions by hitting the space bar. You get a main weapon that has unlimited ammo, as well as a more powerful secondary weapon that requires you to collect ammo boxes to fill up.

    Graphics are very good, with tons of vibrant colors, textures, and particle effects. Game play is also good but can be repetitive. You'll find that playing Syder Arcade will result in numerous deaths and restarts. Syder Arcade is as punishing as arcade games of old.

    While Syder Arcade doesn't have anything new to offer the gaming world, its solid graphics, performance, and gameplay make it worth a look for fans of side scrolling shooters.

    • Good graphics
    • Challenging game play
    • Online leaderboards
    • Demo only has one level
    • Frequent deaths

    Download Syder Arcade 1.0

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    mardi 26 février 2013

    Download Pale Moon Portable 12.1 Free

    Download Pale Moon Portable 12.1 Free

    If you love Firefox but still think it's a bit too slow, try Pale Moon Portable instead!

    The aim behind Pale Moon Portable is to build a completely customized version of Firefox that's tailored to make the most of your Windows system. Pale Moon Portable has rebuilt Firefox from source, optimizing the web browser to obtain higher speed rates in page rendering, scripting and menu managing.

    Being based on Firefox, Pale Moon Portable features the same stability and reliability as the original browser, as well as support for Firefox extensions and themes. You'll also be able to use most of the program's features and options, though some of them ? such as accessibility options and parental controls ? have had to be sacrificed in order to use less memory.

    Graphically speaking, Pale Moon Portable is identical to Firefox, so you won't notice any difference here. Now, are you really going to notice any significant improvements in speed? That's probably something you will only be able to tell in the long run.

    Pale Moon Portable is an interesting Firefox-based browser that promises higher speed and an optimized usage of system resources.

    Recent changes
    • A major update to the browser, implementing a number of visual and under-the-hood changes.
    • Same reliability and stability as Firefox
    • Support for Firefox themes and add-ons
    • Some features have been left out

    Download Pale Moon Portable 12.1

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    Download Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage Beta Free

    Download Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage Beta Free

    Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage from Gamepires is a racing game that combines racing with mass destruction. Cars in the game can be upgraded with weapons, and anything goes on the race track. While Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage doesn't bring anything new to the racing genre, it is a solid game.

    Graphics and sound

    The graphics in Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage are stunning. Environments are rich and detailed. There are particle and bloom effects to give a more realistic feel to the visuals.

    The music in the game can vary from whimsical soul music to fast-paced rock and metal. The sounds of the cars are very engaging and give the vehicles a sense of weight. Weapons also give off a weighty sound that makes using them satisfying!


    Gamepires has done a good job of making the gameplay of Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage fun and engaging. In single player mode, you make your way up the leaderboards by racing and upgrading your vehicles. There are three main single player game modes: race, weapons, and knockout.

    The most fun and interesting of the modes is knockout. You race and use your weapons at the same time, but the last person after every lap is eliminated by being blown up into a million pieces. Stay ahead of your opponents until the very end to stay alive.

    There are a ton of unlockable customization and upgrade options for your vehicles. Spend your money on customizing the look of your vehicle, buying weapons, or upgrading your car.

    Driving dynamics in Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage are acceptable, but could be more accurate. There's really no need to brake in this game with its arcade-style handling. It's easy to crash the car as the enemy AI is very aggressive, but it makes winning all the more rewarding.


    If you're bored of the single player campaign in Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage, you can jump on a server with strangers or your friends. The same gameplay in the single player campaign can be found in the multiplayer mode.

    Performance in multiplayer mode was a bit stuttery but it could have been our connection. Make sure to have a quick connection and low latency when playing in multiplayer mode.


    Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is a solid racing game that delivers fun racing and satisfying car weaponry. Gameplay can become repetitive after a while because it is difficult to gain enough money to make substantial upgrades to your car. Still, fans of games like Motor Storm and Twisted Metal will find Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage a satisfying game.

    • Soild gameplay with tons of unlockables
    • Very good multiplayer mode
    • Beautiful graphics
    • Game play can get repetitive
    • Multiplayer a bit unbalanced

    Download Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage Beta

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    Download Photo Calculator 3.2.0 Free

    Download Photo Calculator 3.2.0 Free

    Photo Calculator is a simple cross platform software for measuring the depth of field in an image.

    Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and furthest parts of an image. Photo Calculator allows you to avoid what the developer calls "the circle of confusion" by selecting the exact resolution you want from a list and Photo Calculator works it out for you.

    Once opened, Photo Calculator simply requires you to configure the coordinates you require including Film Format, Units and Resolution and the results will be presented the moment you click "OK". There are no preferences or options however. Note that the aperture setting in this application is fixed by default to f8.

    Photo Calculator is a very simple program that's low on aesthetics but high on functionality for photographers that need to measure depths of fields.

    • Instantly calculates depth of field
    • Very easy to use
    • No preferences

    Download Photo Calculator 3.2.0

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    Download Thirst of Night Free

    Download Thirst of Night Free

    Thirst of Night is a fun strategy game for desktop PCs that runs on the Pokki platform.

    If you've ever felt any sympathy for vampiric cause of world domination, Thirst of Night will give you the opportunity to indulge in that fantasy.

    The idea behind Thirst of Night is that vampires have been oppressed by humans for centuries. With a cataclysmic volcanic eruption though, the world's skies have been filled with ash and thrown into perpetual twilight. Now it's the vampires' turn to rule, by increasing their numbers and killing off enemies.

    Thirst of Night is a strategy game at its finest, requiring patience while you build your vampire civilization and resulting army. You can speed up the process through in-game purchases, but the ultimate goal in Thirst of Night is just to overcome your oppressors and fight back against other vampiric armies.

    In addition, you can raise a powerful Gargoyle to help defend your bloodline, plus attack humans and other vampire bloodlines. You can even form alliances with other players to combine your power against enemies.

    The graphics aren't the greatest, but Thirst of Night is still an entertaining strategy game that's easy to access on your desktop via the Pokki platform.

    Thirst of Night is a unique strategy game that lets you play vampires as opposed to the usual human fodder.


    Clicking the 'Download' button will take you to the Thirst of Night game's download page where you can run the program.

    • Awesome strategy game
    • Play together with an alliance of other players
    • Easy to install
    • Requires patience to build up your army
    • Graphics are a little weak

    Download Thirst of Night

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    lundi 25 février 2013

    Download Gemini Groove Pro Edition 5.6.3 Free

    Download Gemini Groove Pro Edition 5.6.3 Free

    Gemini Groove is professional, MP3-compatible DJing software that offers everything you need for mixing any musical style, from house and bachata to rock and dubstep.

    The Gemini Groove interface isn't very slick, and reminded us of some of Gemini DJ's older mixing software, like CD DJ. There are 2 decks and a simple mixing console between them. Each deck has its own pitch, loops and effects console, three cues and the song's progress bar. In the center, you'll find a three-range equalizer, the master volume, individual volume controls and an excellent cross-fader.

    Gemini Groove also includes an excellent automix function, which allows you to apply just the right amount of fade. You can also control the duration and style of fades via the options menu.

    In the upper part of the Gemini Groove interface you'll see a small screen with a graphic representation of the songs that are playing, making it extra easy to make small BPM adjustments to your mixes. Below, you'll see your track library.

    Despite just falling short of professional programs like Traktor and Torq, as well as showing a few notable failings (not great on effects, no auto BPM, no skinning), Gemini Groove is still a solid app for those starting out in the world of mixing.

    If you're thinking about taking your DJing to the next level, Gemini Groove is a good place to start.

    • Excellent crossfader
    • Configurable Automix
    • Support for MIDI controllers
    • No Auto BPM
    • Not skinnable
    • Not many effects - no VST plugins
    • Pitch Range can't be modified from the decks
    • Only 2 decks

    Download Gemini Groove Pro Edition 5.6.3

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    Download RetroShare 0.5.3c Free

    Download RetroShare 0.5.3c Free

    Retroshare is a private sharing platform without servers between users. It allows people to share files anonymously with their community of friends and open encrypted chat, based on the web-OpenSSL protocol.

    When you launch the program for the first time, you need to select a username and password, and create a ?certificate? by clicking the relative button.
    The certificate is what you send to your friends so that they can accept you in their network. In order to know what your unique code is, go to the Friend menu, select your name and choose the Export Friend option.

    You can also add a user, by clicking the Invite Friend tool. Before joining a group or accepting someone, your certificate needs to be approved, or ?trusted?.
    These are all procedures you can do from the ?Friend? menu.
    Retroshare opens up a new way to exchange files with friends. Its tagline is, is ?no more P2P, peer-to-peer, but F2F or friend-to-friend?.

    • Share files on a secure, private network
    • It can be difficult to set it the first time you use it

    Download RetroShare 0.5.3c

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    Download Subsonic 4.6 Free

    Download Subsonic 4.6 Free

    Subsonic is a media streaming server for PC users.

    Subsonic includes just about anything you need to turn your home computer into a fully-featured media streaming server. While some missing codecs might need to be installed at initial start-up, Subsonic is relatively simple to get started with.

    As an admin user with Subsonic, you'll be able to configure every single detail about your server, such as folders to be included in the media menu, user accounts and security settings, to name a few. As a common user, you have also plenty of features available, from downloading music files to rating songs - all depending on the permissions given by the admin. The whole process is done via the web, while the streamed media can be played with an array of media players including Winamp, Windows Media Player and iTunes. You can even make register what you're listening to in Subsonic.

    On the downside, and despite the simplicity of the program, users still might encounter problems performing certain tasks, especially in playlist management.

    With a tool like Subsonic - and some spare time to configure it properly - you'll be able to turn your standard home PC into a professional media streaming server.

    • Includes everything you need to start the server
    • Works with popular media players
    • Lots of features for both administrators and common users
    • Configuration takes a while

    Download Subsonic 4.6

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    samedi 2 février 2013

    Download DriverMax 6.3.1 Free

    Download DriverMax 6.3.1 Free

    DriverMax is a comprehensive driver app, allowing you to detect missing or outdated drivers, back them up and restore them, in case the worst should happen.

    In most cases when Windows is running slower, faulty driver installations are to blame. The problem is that Windows automatically stores versions of older drivers just in case you want to roll back, but sometimes it these conflict with the new ones.

    DriverMax basically backs-up and restores driver in a very attractive and well presented interface. It has a powerful export wizard to help you export the drivers you need to back up by copying the required files to a folder or compressed ZIP file. After reinstalling Windows, DriverMax can ensure that all drivers are reinstalled.

    While the process is nowhere near this quick - or straightforward because many drivers may not work properly first time round - it is on the whole very easy to use and efficient. DriverMax certainly saves you the hours of searching and installing that you'd usually have to go through.

    DriverMax also allows you to keep all your drivers up to date. The scanning and download process is straightforward (although it can take a while), and installing new versions of drivers is very simple. It's also worth pointing out that for a free driver app, DriverMax certainly offers more features than rival programs.

    DriverMax is a powerful driver installation and restore tool that's easy enough for beginners and does the job in decent time.


    Please bear in mind that this product requires a (free) registration process to use.

    • Imports and exports drivers easily
    • Offers a good range of features
    • A little slow
    • may not reinstall all drivers correctly
    • Pretty outdated interface

    Download DriverMax 6.3.1

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    Download iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter 2.1.2 Free

    Download iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter 2.1.2 Free

    iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter is one of many, many free video converters. Like the majority of the rest, it's perfectly acceptable, but isn't going to rock your world.

    The iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter has a pretty standard interface, but it is easy to use. Add your videos by dragging and dropping or by using the Add button, pick a conversion format and a place to save the final file, then hit Start. You can preview the video in the embedded preview window.

    In its favor, iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter allows you to convert batches of videos and will then offer to turn the computer off when it is finished, meaning you can set it to work and go off to do other things. This app also lets you extract audio from videos.

    iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter has a few negatives, but they really put the application in the same league as the vast majority of its rivals. It could do with a few more options, to allow advanced users more control, and the interface could be a bit more attractive. If you want a basic free video conversion program to do the absolute minimum, though, iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter is a decent enough starting place.

    iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter - convert your videos so you can watch them on your iPad, but don't expect miracles.

    • Automatically shuts down computer when finished
    • Convert batches of videos
    • Extract audio
    • Lacks options
    • Not very stylish

    Download iStonsoft Free iPad Video Converter 2.1.2

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    Download EfficientPIM 3.0 Build 321 Free

    Download EfficientPIM 3.0 Build 321 Free

    EfficientPIM is a tool that helps manage personal information on your Windows PC.


    It's easy to get behind on important tasks, events, and deadlines. To ensure you're able to keep up with everything on your plate on a given day, week, or month, EfficientPIM can help you out..

    EfficientPIM is a fully featured personal information manager that helps you organize both your professional and your personal life in an effective way. It features a clean interface, very similar to that of Microsoft Outlook, only without the email bit.


    With EfficientPIM you can schedule all sorts of events and organize them in a calendar. You can also have all your friends and professional partners in a Contacts list, create a list of pending tasks to organize your work, and even jot down your thoughts in the program's built-in diary or notes utility.

    Despite the high number of options and settings, EfficientPIM remains quite easy to use, especially if you're familiar with Microsoft Outlook. The program's appearance can be customized with skins, and the calendar tool can import a list of predefined holidays. There are also tools to generate passwords and backup all your data.

    EfficientPIM is a handy, complete personal information manager that can help you deal with all sorts of tasks and events.

    Review last updated: 21/06/12

    • Easy to use
    • Nicely designed
    • Includes calendar, task list, contacts list, diary, notes and more
    • Interface looks dated

    Download EfficientPIM 3.0 Build 321

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    Download Spec Ops: The Line Free

    Download Spec Ops: The Line Free

    Spec Ops: The Line is a third person shooter, that reignites a franchise we haven't seen in a decade. This demo reintroduces you to Spec Ops in explosive style, under attack in a helicopter flying through a wrecked Dubai skyline as a sandstorm is raging.

    Multiplayer will be included, but for now we've only played a portion of the single player campaign. The story is that catastrophic sandstorms have forced Dubai to be evacuated, and that a US Army Colonel has stayed behind to protect those who couldn't escape. Your squad has been sent in to find out exactly what happened.

    Can the story deliver on its promises?

    Spec Ops: The Line stays true to the third person cover shooter model, with additional squad controls. It's atmospheric, with good graphics and SFX making the sand-ravaged urban environment believable, although the script is a pretty jaded assortment of gruff clichés. The Spec Ops: The Line demo is very linear, and although you are nominally the leader, it feels like you are following your squad mates, and you have to proceed at their pace. This scripted feel is common in action shooters, but the rest of Spec Ops: The Line will have to be pretty special to make the scripted moments acceptable.


    2K Games promises a game that will force players to make difficult decisions in morally gray areas - it claims to be influenced by the same novel as Apocalypse Now. That's a bold hope, and not one that seems very likely on the strength of the demo. Still, the ruined Dubai makes an interesting environment for Spec Ops: The Line, and the basic cover/shoot gameplay is solid.

    If you're looking for a story driven shooter, Spec Ops: The Line offers more depth than most military games.


    This demo requires the free Steam app to run

    Review last updated: 04/07/12

    • Atmospheric environments
    • Colid cover/shoot mechanics
    • Dramatic
    • Very linear
    • Poor dialogue

    Download Spec Ops: The Line

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    Download Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack Free

    Download Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack Free

    Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack is a set of wallpapers for Apple's Mountain Lion operating system.

    If you can't wait for Mountain Lion - OS X 10.8 to arrive later this summer, there's a way to jump into the action early, even if you own a Windows PC. Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack is a set of wallpapers included in Apple's newest OS, available now to download and enjoy.

    Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack comes with 34 different wallpapers for you to choose from. The majority are nature scenes, often leaning toward calm as opposed to vibrant. The few remaining are patterns, such as circles or abstract paintings. Of course, Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack comes included with a new version of Apple's recognizable galaxy wallpaper as well.

    In the meantime, if you want to know more about Mountain Lion, check out our introductory guide here.

    There's nothing incredibly innovative about Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack, but the sheer amount of wallpapers included, plus the added hype of Apple's soon-to-be released Mountain Lion - OS X 10.8, will be sure to satisfy most.

    Review last updated: 14/06/12

    • Includes 34 OS X Mountain Lion wallpapers
    • Wallpapers are all high quality
    • Good variety of images
    • Nothing outstandingly innovative

    Download Mountain Lion Wallpaper Pack

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    vendredi 1 février 2013

    Download Of Light and Shadow 1.0 Free

    Download Of Light and Shadow 1.0 Free

    Of Light and Shadow is a free 2.5D platform game where you play Mr. Light and Dr. Shadow. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses, and you have to switch between them to beat the game. It's inventive, fun, and looks great, especially for a freeware indie game.

    Mr. Light and Dr Shadow will die if exposed to dark or light, respectively, while Mr Light can jump, and Dr. Shadow can walk up walls and on ceilings. The levels in Of Light and Shadow are designed to exploit these attributes. There is a puzzle element to the game, but you have to move quickly sometimes too. The game is best played with a gamepad - it works with keyboard, but it's not comfortable.

    The movement of Mr. Light and Dr. Shadow is sometimes a little awkward, but in general Of Light and Shadow plays very well. The graphics are stylish and good quality, and the sound is very atmospheric in general. There are some difficulty spikes, but this is not an incredibly tough game. Of Light and Shadow is enjoyable mainly for the inventive ways it uses the weaknesses and strengths of the two characters.

    If you like platform and puzzle games, give Of Light and Shadow a try, as it's always interesting and completely free!

    Review last updated: 15/06/12

    • Interesting game concept
    • Good graphics
    • Atmospheric soundtrack and effects
    • Movement is awkward at times
    • Keyboard support not great

    Download Of Light and Shadow 1.0

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    Download Praat 5.3.17 Free

    Download Praat 5.3.17 Free

    Praat is scientific tool for those studying linguistics that can analyze spectrograms.

    Praat can read sounds recorded with the program or audio files recorded in another way. Once loaded, Praat generates a graph of waves which indicate intonation, intensity, volume and other complex details. Praat is able to isolate certain sound bites or filter frequencies either manually or using scripts.

    There's no avoiding that Praat is a useful tool for linguists. It's difficult to get to grips with, though, and although there is an extensive manual, it's aimed mainly at linguistic experts. For those seeking an introduction to audio analysis and spectrographs, they may well find Praat too complex.

    Praat is a powerful audio analysis tool that will give linguists a high degree of control over spectrographs.

    Recent changes
    • EEG window: extent autoscaling by window
    • ERPTier: Remove events between

    Review last updated: 15/06/12

    • Imports a wide range of audio formats
    • Analyses sound in detail
    • Automize analysis via scrips
    • Complex for non-linguists

    Download Praat 5.3.17

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    Download Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool 1.0 Free

    Download Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool 1.0 Free

    Microsoft. NET Framework is a set of libraries provided by Microsoft to schedule and run native applications on Windows. Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool repairs problems that may be affecting the smooth functioning of it.

    More and more programs use Microsoft. NET Framework and Windows Update requires you to install the latest version. However, occasionally you may encounter problems when installing, updating or reinstalling. Microsoft provides an official solution in the form of Microsoft. NET Framework Repair Tool, which analyzes the problem and solves it.

    Microsoft. NET Framework Repair Tool is very simple. Follow the steps in the wizard and in an instant you've fixed the errors from Microsoft. NET Framework. Another advantage of Microsoft. NET Framework Repair Tool is that it requires no installation and you only have to run it once.

    Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool is worth trying if you're experiencing problems with .NET.

    Review last updated: 27/06/12

    • Easy to use
    • Fast analysis and repair
    • Requires no installation
    • May not fix serious errors

    Download Microsoft .NET Framework Repair Tool 1.0

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